"Keep in line, ladies." |
I never thought I’d be doing a blog as my frame of mind has
always been that blogging takes a lot of time, and that would be away from my
writing, away from my family, and in general away from life. But, I am going to
do a blog, and it’s called Mercer Musings. Now, I’m wondering what I will be
writing about that will tie this blog in with my first novel, Even Nectar is
Poison, recently published, and I think it will be what I know best. History
and Suffragettes.
Wow to the power of women in the early 20th
century and I bow to them. They were more than just women running around with
picket signs trying to find a smidgen of equality in a man’s world. They took
on a myriad of issues from workers rights, child labor in the work force,
meager wages, and unionizing to name a few.
One woman in particular, Mary “Mother” Jones, who was an
Irish Immigrant, stood fast and furious with her approach to organizing workers
to fight the brutality they were forced to suffer at the hands of business
owners who enlisted the militia to keep their work force in line. Mother Jones
said these eloquent words, “Some day the workers will take possession of your
city hall, and when we do, no child will be sacrificed on the altar for
The 1910 era business man was put on a pedestal while the
worker (usually a woman or child) worked from dawn to dusk, six days a week,
for the average wage of $6.00 a week. Most workers were not allowed to talk,
have breaks, or receive overtime. Their employers made it their business to
keep them in isolation and fear.
Women like Isabella Ford, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and
Harriet Stanton Blatch were just a few to organize women’s unions to fight
against the injustice. One Clara Lemlich, a worker in the textile industry,
once had her ribs broken when police attacked the picket line she was in. This
only fired her up to organize more strikes and call for unity amongst all
workers. Clara Lemlich cited the Jewish pledge, “If I turn traitor to the cause
I now pledge, may this hand wither from the arm I now raise,” and her battle
cry led to the Revolt of the Thirty Thousand which lasted close to a year. It
also proved that once women organized they became a power impossible to ignore.
Yes, we women of the twenty-first century owe a lot to those
who came before us. I have to ask, are we done yet? I don’t think so.
I loved this entry and have bookmarked your blog. The women's movement is one of the most fascinating for its wide reach and impact, and yet most ignored. I'm delighted to see you'll be writing about it and look forward to your next posting.